My name is Sandy and I live in America's
Midwest. Since I was a small child I have had a
book in my hands and have always been searching
out different things in that book rather than
just reading it. I always want to go deeper
into where the information came from to write it
and what the author must have been thinking as he
or she wrote those words down. I have now grown
up, and my love for books has deepened to where I
have a very large library of books on all things.
I went on line two years ago, and now I can
search out anything I would ever want to know. I
love to search out all kinds of sites to read and
learn from them -- so I have put together many of
my favorite web sites for you to choose from, to
view and maybe read them like a book, as well as
to search out what you might want to know about a
topic. "Click A List"
Garden Don Burluraux's N.York Moors
Cam Click here for PART II of Sandy's Click A
and welcome to my home!
I hope you find some things of
interest to you in my
Lots more