Spiders come every night to weave their wonderful webs.

"You can bury a lot of troubles, digging in the dirt"

Turtles like to mind their own business and just hope that no one in the garden bothers them much...they like to take life at a very s--l--o--w "turtle's pace".

"Perfumes are the feelings of flowers"

Unicorns appear in a garden when you are fast asleep under a large tree, and have been dreaming for a little while on a lazy warm summer's day. They are usually gone when you open your eyes, but the vision of them lingers on in the mind...

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"Sunlight fades, stars appear,

garden fairies gather here"

Vixen, a female fox, is not a welcome sight in a garden - we wish she would stay home in the woods where she can't cause any trouble!

The leaves lay like hands upon the ground.

When the wind rustles them, they applaud softly

Wooly-worms (caterpillars) are the embodiment of the word "metamorphosis" - they change from furry little crawlies into wonderful and beauteous butterflies!

"Give your weeds an inch and they'll take a yard"

X = a little critter that lives in your imagination and helps you to find peace and understanding so you can

"Bloom where you are planted"

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"In the Garden, my soul is sunshine"

Yellowjackets love a nice blooming summer garden, flitting from flower to flower in search of nectar.

"So many seeds - so little time"

Zebras like to romp and play in the garden area of their zoo... what could be more fun than to roll over and kick up your heels in the sunshine?

Windchimes in your yard will serenade garden creatures ... sguirrels, fairies and angels.  

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